Work-Life Services
Resource and Referral Services
A major differentiator of our EAP services is integration with our own in-house work-life services, including dependent care resource and referral services and legal and financial consultation. This approach uniquely positions us to serve employees in a holistic and inclusive manner. We understand that employees’ issues do not always fall into neat categories of service, nor do problems generally present in isolation. As such, we train our staff to listen beyond the presenting issue to identify all possible related factors and to apply appropriate resources to each.
Our work-life consultation, resource, and referral service provides practical assistance to users around a wide variety of dependent care issues. The strength of our service begins with the knowledge and expertise of each consultant, whose role is to assess, clarify, educate, and serve. We have consultant teams dedicated to researching the best referrals and consultant teams dedicated to providing quality intake services. This division of duties allows our consultants to focus on one particular task, cutting down the inefficiency of repeatedly jumping from one task to another. We believe this model not only increases effectiveness, but also improves the quality of both the consultation and the actual referral. All provided referrals are qualified and matched to the specific needs and requirements of the user—100% of the time.
Our Services
We provide High Quality Services

Child Care Resource and Referral

Elder Care Resource and Referral